Archive for the ‘746’ Category

Fort Peace by Mike Waters Used With Permission ( Friday, January 18, 2008)


Cartoonist’s Comment: If your mind is being bombarded by fear and worry and doubt, seek the shelter of God’s peace by going to Him in prayer.

A Prayer For WordPress by Elaine Davenport (Friday, November 30, 2007)

I want to explain why I am writing a prayer for our fine people who work for and keep WordPress going. I am thankful to them. I don’t know them. You see, I had Blogs somewhere else and the traffic was dribbling in despite my greatest efforts. After I moved; three weeks didn’t go by and I began to see stats like I never had before. This is not an advertisement. It’s all free. I am overjoyed! I had paid my web designer $1100 and he was unable to finish. He’s a good guy it just worked out that way and then I found WordPress. Who knew? I didn’t. I smell food. I can’t eat today. This is hard. Every support question has been answered. I’m not a new technology person or an engineer; just a thankful prayer warrior. Because some folks put this all together; people are being Blessed not only by using the tools available but but words that are being said. I pray a Blessing over the lives of everyone on the Word Press staff and their families.



Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for this Blessed day that You have made. Thank You for showing that You are a God of Divine appointments and connections. I lift up every single person at WordPress this day and I ask You to Bless them mightily! It is my prayer that You’ll open doors to them that have been closed in times past. I pray that they will be in health and that their problems will become invisible. I pray that the eyes of their understanding will become enlightened as it says in the Book of Ephesians. I pray that for them burdens will be removed and yokes will be destroyed because of the anointing. I pray that they will have great peace as they operate in Godly wisdom with integrity in all of their affairs. I pray that their marriages will be healed. I pray that their equipment will function perfectly and that their business will begin to thrive like never before. Father let the laborers be worthy of their hire. If I’ve left out anything that is important to them corporately or individually; I’m asking You to cover it and I thank You for that. I ask in all in the Name of Jesus Amen

A PRAYER FOR SIBLINGS (Saturday, June 2, 2007)

Oh Heavenly Father, please hear our cry: We are so amazed about our siblings and we all have different concerns. But, we know that You are the God that is more than enough and you know our needs and can meet our every need sufficiently. We know this Lord! For some of us, we simply don’t know where our siblings are and for some of us we simply don’t know what they’re doing. Still others are concerned that they seem to be on a destructive path. Father we ask that no matter what the exact circumstances are that you will first purify our hearts and then you will change these situations that our siblings find themselves in. Father we are asking you to touch their lives, turn them around, Bless them, pour your love on them, shine your light upon them, allow them to walk in your grace and to come to your throne of mercy in their time of need. We thank you, we adore you. In Jesus Name we ask and pray. Amen


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